Beauty Trends to Look Forward to in 2021

According to all the top Beauty Blog, it is predicted that 2021 will bring revolution in the beauty industry.

The beauty and wellness industries are now joining this quest for better balance as a way to serenely face the future. Restoring the balance between nature and science, new sources of creativity and innovations providing novel benefits. The revival of the essence of hedonism, in which joy and simplicity are in perfect balance. Reestablishing a balance in our relationship to time, between history and cultural heritage, past and modernity, and all push for progress in the emergence of a harmonious and lasting beauty. Newness and the beauty industry go hand in hand. Every year, new trends and innovations shape the beauty products that will be sold that year. For 2020, inclusivity will be more important than ever, personalised products will step it up a notch, sustainability and ethical beauty is vital, amongst others. Take a look at some of the 2020 beauty trends that consumers are getting excited about. Skincare In the past, beauty consumers have been satisfied with a simpler cleanse, tone, and moisturise skin routine. Nowadays, cosmetic companies need to have a more diverse offering of products including serums, vitamin infused products, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid and more. The increased demand for skincare products will bode well for brands looking to expand their offering and increase sales. Transparent beauty is another beauty trend for 2020 that has a lot of popularity. Consumers want to know how harmful chemicals in products that they are using are to their skin, body and the environment. They will not stand for misleading information and are calling for clearer definitions of what is considered safe and clean.

A 2020 beauty trend is taking a more personal approach to consumer’s beauty products. This includes swab testing for bacterial analysis and DNA to receive products best suited to their genetic make-up. Beauty technology is also being used to personalise products including apps to track product progress and photo analysation of skin condition. Proctor and Gamble are launching a wand in 2020 that will identify individual skin imperfections and only apply makeup to those areas to avoid product wastage.


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